Just Kidding (A Steam Creepypasta)

Hi there, allow me to introduce myself, I am graham, this is my story of the strange steam user named "Just Kidding". Here is a link to his profile "http://steamcommunity.com/id/KiddingJust". You may be wondering, "what's so special about him?" well there is a bit, that's why I'm posting this story, I could save this to a notepad, but I feel like steam would just be a "funner" way of doing things. Now that that is cleared up let me start the story. Nothing really interesting happend that day until I got a random friend request from a user named "Just Kidding", I never accept random friend request altho today I felt like I should. As soon as I accepted the friend request I got a message from him saying "You are how", I replied saying "Uum ok i guess, and why are you typing like that", he later replied saying "me see you do", I replied with "that's a little creepy man". I started to feel like something was watching me, then 2 minutes later I heard a big bang on the window behind me, I was surprised a bit, I ignored it and assumed it was a animal. After around 3 hours the user messaged me again it said "me ignore you did why" I said "you never messaged me :/", he later went off line. It started becoming night time so I decided to get some rest, before I closed steam it messaged "night", I ignored it, shut off steam and went to bed. I had a strange dream that night, I do not remember much about it altho what I do remember seemed odd at first, The first thing I remember is a shadow waving outside my window, I believe the second thing was my eyes slowly turning black, I woke up feeling dizzy for a while and then after my daily routine I went back on the computer. When I started up steam I got a message from it saying "now understand you dont" I replied saying "what? and please stop typing like that its slightly hard to read", he later replied with "soon". After 2 hours of playing some games I randomly kept having huge rage surges out of no where, After the surge was over I started feeling a huge depression, after the depression I felt happy, I started seeing things out of the corner of my eye, the most common thing was a black orb, on rare occasions I would see the shadow in my dreams, I use to not think much of it because i assumed it was my imagination. I was playing some L4D2 I got a message from it saying "home always im" I replied with "mean that does what", At the time I did not realize what I said, it looked perfectly normal at the time, it did not reply at all, I started wanting to know more about it so here is our short conversation that we had.
Boshy: hey, who are you exacly, i know this sounds creepy but i was just wondering :P Just Kidding: kidding just was i Boshy: what? i dont understand, what where you kidding about? Just Kidding: serious am i Boshy: please weird typing stop Just Kidding: you im but Just Kidding is now offline
Well that was our short chat, I later found out it was typing backwards, I don't understand why but it does. I was bored staring at my desktop thinking about things to do and I heard a big bang on my wall, almost as if someone punched my wall in, I was startled and went to check out what it was, there was a hole in my wall, I did not think much of it at the time and I covered it up with a poster and forgot about it. Soon it became 8:32 at night, I started to see a slight figure of someone walking around my home, it would never show its face to me for some reason and it never stayed long, but it would always tell me what to do like when to eat and sleep, even tho I should of questioned it, I felt safe around it, when someone would pick on me it would appear out of nowhere and nearly kill them, i just always felt so safe around it, I felt like it would protect me so i never questioned anything about it. so around after 2 days of the figure being around I would notice slight blood stains on my shirt and pants, I had no clue where it came from but I always felt a rush from seeing it, when I saw the figure torture and hurt people I felt extreamly happy and a huge rush. Ever since the figure has been around the steam user has stopped messaging, I did not mind it because I felt comfortable with my new best friend. Then Around 2 months pass, I look in the mirror and I realized the figure was me, but the steam user was not, but you know what. I do understand, i understand everything "he" ment.